
Craft Talk with Laura van den Berg Discovering Character
March 29 + April 5
1-p.m.-3 p.m.
Via Zoom

We immediately recognize a memorable character when we encounter one, but how do writers get their characters to sing? This class will focus on the art of discovering the animating details that bring our characters to life, and the process of understanding what needs to be on the page and what can be left out. The two sessions will include the study of short stories; craft discussion; generative writing exercises; and Q & A.
Here’s what you can expect to take away from this online craft talk:

* Specific strategies for discovering character | * Techniques for bringing characters to life on the page | * A better understanding of how to write character | * Character-specific exercises, craft readings, and revision strategies

This online class will meet via Zoom, so you can join from anywhere!


Sunday, March 16
3:30 p.m.

Are you the person in your book club who never manages to finish the 350-page book each month?

Let’s find your people.

The SMALL BOOKS, BIG STORIES is a book club that celebrates the novella (and the endorphin rush associated with actually finishing a book).

Join us on Sunday, March 16 in our upstairs library to discuss Pedro Páramo by Juan Rulfo— all 144 pages of it.

Space is very limited, so register today!

Wednesday, March 19
6:30 p.m.

Have you been watching book adaptations, politely biting your tongue—The peculiar casting! The altered storyline! The blasphemous ending!—so that others could enjoy the movie in peace and quiet?

At long last, Kinderhook, those days are over.

Join us at 6:30 p.m. on March 19 for THE BOOK WAS BETTER book club, where we’ll discuss Foster by Claire Keegan—and watch its film adaptation, The Quiet Girl, in our upstairs library.

Space is very limited, so register today!

March 29-April 4
7 a.m.-8:30 a.m.

Introducing A WALK IN THE WORDS, the audiobook club at Kinderhook Books that plugs into the village’s morning businesses—Broad Street Bagel Co., Julia Jayne Pilates, Morningbird, OK Pantry, and Village Yoga—for an all-inclusive SEVEN-DAY BOOTCAMP of listening, exercising, drinking, and community.

Cost: $75 (includes audiobook, Pilates class, yoga class, and drinks)



Find us on Libro.fm, an audio service that provides the same books, narrators, and subscription price as Audible—but unlike Audible, Libro.fm supports Kinderhook Books and other independent bookstores so that we can thrive in our communities. 


  • The fiction subscription will debut in February 2024—but we’ll customize cards for those who want to give this subscription as a gift for the holidays!

    Every month, you will receive one beautifully wrapped novel that is hand-picked just for you.

    Fiction subscriptions are for 3 or 6 months.

  • The non-fiction subscription will debut in February 2024—but we’ll customize cards for those who want to give this subscription as a gift for the holidays!

    Every month, you will receive one beautifully wrapped non-fiction book that is hand-picked just for you.

    Non-fiction subscriptions are for 3 or 6 months.

  • The in-translation subscription will debut in March 2024—but we’ll customize cards for those who want to give this subscription as a gift for the holidays!

    Every month, you will receive one beautifully wrapped work in translation that is hand-picked just for you.

    In-translation subscriptions are for 3 months.

  • The large-print fiction and non-fiction subscriptions will debut in January 2024—and we can customize cards for those who want to give this subscription as a gift for the holidays!

    Each month, you’ll receive a beautifully wrapped book.

    Large-print subscriptions are for 3 or 6 months. We offer at-home delivery for those who live in the village.




  • "Wherever I go, bookstores are still the closest thing to a town square."

    —Gloria Steinem